Companies Commission of Malaysia Training Academy (COMTRAC) & Knowledge Management
COMTRAC was established on 1 April 2007 with the objective of spearheading the Companies Commission of Malaysia’s (SSM) external stakeholders training initiatives. COMTRAC’s mission is to train and educate corporate players consistent with SSM’s functions as stipulated under sub-sections 17(d) and 18(2) of the Companies Commission of Malaysia Act 2001 which states:
Sub-section 17(d)“…to encourage and promote proper conduct amongst directors, secretaries, managers and other officers of a corporation, and self regulation by corporations, companies, businesses, industry groups and professional bodies in the corporate sector in order to ensure that all corporate and business activities are conducted in accordance with established norms of good corporate governance and to encourage and to promote corporate responsibility and business sustainability.”
Sub-section 18(2) ….”to formulate, conduct and implement educational and training programmes relating to the laws specified in the First Schedule”