Conversion of Limited Liability Partnership
Types of conversion
- From conventional partnership;
- From Private company; or
- From conventional professional firms to LLP for Professional Practices
Application for conversion
Only the Compliance Officer appointed by LLP may lodge the application of conversion:
- One partner or company secretary (pursuant to the Companies Act 2016)
- Individuals who are citizens/permanent residents of Malaysia aged 18 years and over
Procedures for conversion to LLP
- From Conventional Partnership to LLP
- The name and registration number of conventional partnership;
- The date on which the conventional partnership was registered under the Business Registration Act 1956 or any other written law;
- The partner is composed of the same person;
- That as the date of the application, the conventional partnership appears to be liable to pay its debts as they become due in the normal course of business;
- Name of proposed LLP;
- General nature of proposed business of LLP;
- Proposed registered office of LLP;
- Names and details of every person who is to be a partner of LLP;
- Names and details of compliance officers of LLP;
- From Private Companies to LLP
- The Name and registration number of the private company;
- The date on which the private company was incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 or 2016;
- That as at the application date, the private company appears to be able to pay its debts as they become due in the normal course of business;
- That as at the application date, all outstanding statutory fees or any amount owing to any government agency has been settled;
- That the private company has placed an advertisement in at least one widely circulated newspaper in Malaysia and published a notification in the Gazette of its intention to convert to a limited liability partnership;
- That all the creditors have agreed with the application to convert to LLP
- All shareholders agree with the application to convert to LLP
- Name of proposed LLP;
- General nature of proposed business of LLP;
- Proposed registered office of LLP;
- Names and details of every person who is to be a partner of LLP;
- Names and details of compliance officers of LLP;
- From conventional professional firms to LLP for Professional Practices
- The name and registration number (if any) of the conventional professional firm;
- The date on which the conventional professional firm was registered under the relevant law;
- That as at the date of the application, the conventional professional firm appears to be able to pay its debts as they become due in the normal course of business;
- A letter of approval or letter of no objection from the relevant governing body as specified in the third column of the First Schedule of the LLP Act 2012;
- Name of proposed LLP;
- General nature of proposed business of LLP;
- Proposed registered office of LLP;
- Names and details of every person who is to be a partner of LLP;
- Names and details of compliance officers of LLP;
Registration fee
Fee for LLP conversion is RM500.00
Only notice of conversion will be issued.
Certificate of registration of LLP would be issued by SSM upon request together with the prescribed fee.