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​​Enterprise Architecture Management Section

​​There are four units under the Enterprise Architecture Management Section (EAMS):

1. Business Architecture Unit;
2. Enterprise Data Unit;
3. Enterprise Application Unit; and
4. Enterprise Technology Unit.

The implementation of Enterprise Architecture (EA) in SSM aims to:
Reduce the fragmentation of ICT project development in each division/ section/ state office/ branch offices;
Improve the ability to share information across divisions/ sections/ state office/ branch offices;
Improve the ability of external users (public) to access information;
Identify opportunities for integration services (end-to-end);
Enables SSM to have a comprehensive view of the use of technology to ensure better technology planning and policy development;
Analyze business processes to identify gaps and potential improvements;
Ensure that the system design, application and integration requirements can support required business services;
Ensure  that the diversity of technology and ICT infrastructure adopted by SSM can be controlled and reused to minimize on maintenance and operational costs. 
Ensure that data and information management at SSM can be administered based on the established EA standards and principles;
Ensure monitoring of EA implementation compliance; and
Cultivating and creating a culture of EA awareness among SSM employees in each division/ section/ state office/ branch office through on going announcements, education and training. 

KPDNHEP myGoverment
Agencies under Ministry Of Domestic Trade And Cost Of Living
SSM General Line
E-mail: enquiry[at]
Operation Hour
Day: Monday - Friday
Service Counter: 8.15 AM - 4.15 PM
SSM Customer Care
Telephone: +603-7721 4000
Fax: +603-7721 4001