NO. 4 OF 1967
Date of Royal Assent :
21 March 1967
Date of coming into operation :
1 January 1967
Long Title & Preamble
Section 1.
Short title and commencement.
Section 2.
Amendments of laws relatIng to income tax and certain analogous taxes.
Section 3.
Amendments of laws relating to registration of businesses.
Repeal of Act 41 of 1965.
Schedule 1.
Amendments to the Income Tax Ordinance.
Amendments to the Income Tax Ordinance -Fifth Schedule.
Schedule 2.
Amendments to the Income Tax Ordinance (Sabah No.29 of 1956)
Schedule 2.
Amendments to the Income Tax Ordinance, 1956(Sabah No. 29 of 1956) Part VIA Development Tax. Charge of development tax.
Amendments to the Income Tax Ordinance (Sabah No.29 of 1956)- Fourth Schedule.
Schedule 3.
Amendments of Inland Revenue Ordinance, 1960.(Sarawak No.13 of 1960)
Amendments of Inland Revenue Ordinance, 1960.(Sarawak No.13 of 1960)- Sixth Schedule
Schedule 4.
Amendments to the Registration of Business Ordinance, 1956 (Hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance) and the Registration of Businesses Rules, 1957 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules)
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