Section 22A. Electronic filing of documents.
(1) The Registrar may provide a service for the electronic filing or lodging of documents required by this Act to be filed or lodged with the Registrar.
(2) A person who intends to use the service provided under subsection (1) shall become a subscriber to the service by paying the prescribed fee and by complying with such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Registrar.
(3) Only a subscriber to the service provided under subsection (1) may electronically file or lodge documents with the Registrar.
(4) A document electronically filed or lodged under this section shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement for filing or lodgement if the document is communicated or transmitted to the Registrar in such manner as may be prescribed by rules or approved by the Registrar.
(5) The Registrar may, by order published in the Gazette, prescribe the documents that may be electronically filed or lodged.
(6) A document that is required to be stamped, signed or sealed shall, if it is to be electronically filed or lodged, be certified or authenticated in such manner as may be prescribed by rules or approved by the Registrar.
(7) A copy of or an extract from any document electronically filed or lodged with the Registrar under subsection (1) supplied or issued by the Registrar and certified under the hand of the Registrar to be a true copy of or extract from such document shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings as of equal validity as the original document.
(8) Where a document is electronically filed or lodged with the Registrar, the Registrar or the Registrar's authorised agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person by reason of any error or omission of whatever nature or however arising appearing in any document obtained by any person under the service referred to in subsection (1) if such error or omission was made in good faith and in the ordinary course of the discharge of the duties of the Registrar or of the Registrar's authorised agents or occurred or arose as a result of any defect or breakdown in the service or in the equipment used for the provision of the service.
[Ins. Act A1119:s.20]
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