Rule 2. Amendment of Schedule
The Schedule to the Registration of Businesses Rules, 1957 [L.N. 282/57], is amended by deleting the Note appearing at the foot of Forms A, B and C and by substituting in each case the following:
"Note-The above verification must be attested-
(a) within the Federation,by a Judge, President of a Sessions Court, Magistrate, Notary Public, Justice of Peace, an Advocate or Solicitor, a Member of the Houses of Parliament or of a State Legislative Assembly or of a State Executive Council, a Commissioner for Oaths, Commissioner for Labour, a Chinese Affairs Officer, any Officer authorised by the Commissioner for Labour, a District Officer, an Administrative Officer in the State of Johore, an Assistant District Officer, or a Penghulu or Penggawa authorised by the District Officer;
(b) within any territory in the Commonwealth,by a Judge, President of a Sessions Court, Magistrate, Notary Public, Justice of Peace, an Advocate or Solicitor who is entitled to practise in the Courts of such territory or a Consular Officer, of any territory in the Commonwealth;
(c) within any territory outside the Commonwealth,by a Notary Public, a Consular Officer or Diplomatic Officer performing consular functions of any territory of the Commonwealth."
Made this 30th day of November, 1959.
[AG. 250/54-141; Try. (FS.) 4859.]