L.N. 282/57
Rule 6. Changes in registered particulars.
(1) Whenever there is a change to any of the registered particulars of a business, the person responsible in that respect for that business shall duly complete one copy of Form B1,B2,B3 or B4, as may be relevent, and shall deliver the Forms to the Registrar.
[Subs.P.U.(A) 430/1996; Am. PU(A) 141/2002].
(1A) The fee payable for the changes in the registered particulars shall be as prescribed by rule 19.
[Ins. PU(A) 141/2002]
(2) Where a sole proprietorship business is registered under a tradename and is changed to partnership business, such change shall be registered.
[Am. PU(A) 284/83]
(3) Whenever any registered business is carried on by a partnership and owing to the death of any partner or otherwise such partnership is dissolved but the business continues to be carried on by the surviving or remaining partner with the addition of some new partner the necessary particulars may be registered either as an alteration within the meaning of this rule or as a termination of one business and the commencement of a different business.
[Subs. PU(A) 141/2002]
[Proviso deleted by PU(A) 141/2002]
(4) Whenever any registered business is carried on by a partnership and owing to the withdrawal of all the partners, such partnership is dissolved but the business continues to be carried on by new partners, the particulars shall be registered as a termination of one business and the commencement of a different business.
[Ins. PU(A) 284/83]
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