P.U. 173/66
SECOND SCHEDULE (Regulation 3)
FORM 51A. Application For Extension Of Time For Holding The Annual General Meeting For 19..
And To Present Accounts Thereat.
Companies Act 1965
(Section 143 (2) and 169 (2) )
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FOR 19 ..........................
Name: ..........................
Address: ..........................
Telephone No. : .......................... | Name of Company: ..........................
Company No. ..........................
Status †: ..........................
Type ‡: .......................... |
A. To the Registrar of Companies,
.......................... (NAME OF COMPANY)
hereby apply for an extension of time pursuant to:
(a) section 143 (2) to hold the annual general meeting for 19 .......................... to .......................... / .......................... /
19 .......................... ,*and /*or
(b) section 169 (2) to present accounts made up to .......................... / .......................... /19 .......................... at the
annual general meeting proposed to be held on .......................... / .......................... /19 ..........................
*The company has applied for an extension of time and the application was approved
to .......................... / .......................... /19 ..........................
*The company has applied for an extension of time and the application was not
*The company has not applied for an extension of time.
The application is made pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors dated .......................... /
.......................... /19 ..........................
Dated: .......................... / .......................... /19 ..........................
*Director /*Secretary
B. 1. Date of incorporation of the
company is ........... / ........... / 19 ...........
2. The annual return last lodged was
made up to ........... / ........... / 19 ...........
3. Date of last annual general meeting
........... / ........... / 19 ...........
Balance-date of accounts presented
at that annual general meeting or
adjourned annual general meeting
was ........... / ........... /19 ...........
4. Date of annual general meeting
previous to the last annual general
meeting was ........... / ........... / 19 ...........
Balance-date of accounts presented
at that annual general meeting or
adjourned annual general meeting
was ........... / ........... /19 ........... | C. 1. The company is-
*a non-listed public company
*a non-exempt private company
*an exempt private company
2. At the date. of the application the
company *has /*does not have li-
abilities other than the liabilities
to shareholder.
E. Name and address of auditors:
Telephone No: .......................... |
D. In the three years previous to this
application, the company *has /*has
not applied for an extension of time.
The application was *approved/
*not approved. | |
F. The reasons why the company is unable to comply with the requirements of section 143 *and /*or section 169 are § :
*Strike out whichever is inapplicable.
† State whether the company is a private company or a public company.
‡ State whether the company is a company limited by shares or guarantee or an unlimited company.
§ Full particulars should be provided. If reasons stated include delay in the completion of the audit of the accounts, this application must be accompanied by a letter from the auditor stating the problems he encountered in the course of his audit.
1. Applicants are requested to submit their application to the Registrar at least one month prior to the date by which the annual general meeting should otherwise be held.
2. Refer to the Second Schedule for the relevant fee that should accompany the application.
3. The application must be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors and signed by a director or secretary.
[Ins. P.U.(A) 16 / 1986:s.13]
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