P.U. 173/66
SECOND SCHEDULE (Regulation 3)
FORM 51. Statutory Report.
Companies Act, 1965
(Section 142 )
.......................... (NAMA SYARIKAT)
1. The statutory meeting is to he held on the .......................... day of .......................... ,19 ..........................
2. The total number of shares allotted is ..........................
The number of shares allotted as fully paid up in cash is ..........................
The number of shares allotted as subject to the payment of the full nominal in cash and which are partly paid up is ..........................
The number of shares allotted as fully paid up otherwise than in cash is ..........................
The number of shares allotted as partly paid up otherwise than in cash, namely, to the extent of .......................... per share, is ..........................
3. The consideration for the allotment of shares fully or partly paid up otherwise than in cash is as follows:*
4. The total amount of cash received in respect of shares allotted as fully paid up in cash is RM ..........................
The total amount of cash received in respect of shares allotted as subject, payment of the full nominal amount in cash and which are partly paid up is RM ..........................
The total amount of cash received in respect of shares allotted as partly paid up otherwise than in cash is RM . ..........................
5. The receipts and Payments of the company up to the .......................... day of .......................... 19 .......................... ,being a date within seven days of the date of this report, are as follows:
| |
Receipts from shares . . . . . . RM sen
Receipts from debentures
Receipts- from (set out other sources)
.......................... Total | RM sen
Balance . . . . . .
Balance ……
.......................... Total |
| |
6. An account or estimates of the preliminary expenses of the company is as follows:
___________________________________ RM
7. The names, addresses and descriptions of the directors, trustees for holders of debentures (if any) , auditors (if any) , managers (if any) and secretary of the company are as follows:
Office in Company | Full Name | Address † | Description ‡ | Identity
Card No.
Citizenship No.
Passport No. |
Directors . . . . . .
Trustees for holders of debentures
(if any) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managers (if any) . . . . . . . . . | | | | |
Firm Name or
Surname | Christian Names
(if Applicable) | Address | Description | identity Car No
Citizenship No.
Passport No. |
| | | | |
Surname | Christian Names | Address | Description | Identity Card No.
Citizenship No.
Passport No. |
| | | | |
8. The particulars of any contract the modification of which is to be submitted to the meeting for its approval, together with the particulars of the modification or proposed modification, are as follows:
We hereby certify that the above report is correct.
Dated this .......................... day of .......................... ,19 ..........................
.......................... } Directors
We, the auditors of the above company, hereby report that the statements in the above report, as far as it relates to the shares allotted by the company and to the cash received in respect of those shares and to the receipts and payments of the company on capital account, are in accordance with the records of the company and to the best of our knowledge, information and belief are correct.
Dated this .......................... day of .......................... ,19 ..........................
.......................... } Auditors
*Set out shortly the nature of the consideration.
† Insert, in the case of an individual, his usual residential address, in the case of a corporation having a registered office in Malaysia, the address of that registered office, or, in the case of a corporation not having a registered office in Malaysia, the address of its registered office in the place of its incorporation.
‡ Include in the description, in the case of a corporation, the name of the place of its incorporation.
Section 142(3) of the Companies Act. 1965, requires the statutory report to be certified by not less than two directors.
Regulation 10 of the Companies Regulations requires -
(a) the copy of this statutory report lodged with the Registrar of Companies under section 142 (5) of the Companies Act, 1965, to be a copy that is certified under section 142 (3) of that Act by the personal signatures of not less than two directors; and
(b) the copy of the auditor's report lodged with the Registrar of Companies under section 142 (5) of the Companies Act, 1965, to be a copy that is personally signed by the auditor or, where the auditor is a firm, by one of the partners of that firm.
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