ACT 125

Section 335. Return to be filed where documents, etc., altered.
(1) Where any change or alteration is made in—

    (a) the charter, statutes, memorandum or articles of the foreign company or other instrument lodged with the Registrar;

    (b) the directors of the foreign company or in the name or address of any director;

    (c) the agent or agents of the foreign company or in the name or address of any agent;

    (d) the situation of the registered office of the foreign company in Malaysia or of the days or hours during which it is open and accessible to the public;

    (e) the address of the registered office of the foreign company in its place of incorporation or origin;

    (f) the name of the foreign company; or

    (g) the powers of any directors resident in Malaysia who are members of the local board of directors of the foreign company,

the foreign company shall, within one month or within such further period as the Registrar in special circumstances allows after the change or alteration, lodge with the Registrar particulars of the change or alteration and such documents as the regulations require.

Second Schedule fee payable

(1A) Upon receipt of the aforesaid particulars of the change or alteration the Registrar shall subject to this Act register the change or alteration.

(2) If a foreign company increases its authorized share capital it shall, within one month or within such further period as the Registrar in special circumstances allows after the increase, lodge with the Registrar notice of the amount from which and of the amount to which it has been so increased.

(3) If a foreign company not having a share capital increases the number of its members beyond the registered number it shall, within one month or within such further period as the Registrar in special circumstance allows after the increase was resolved on or took place, lodge with the Registrar notice of the increase.

(4) If any order is made by a Court under any law in force in the country in which a foreign company is incorporated which corresponds to section 176 the company shall, within one month or within such further period as the Registrar in special circumstances allows after the order was made, lodge with the Registrar an office copy of that order.