L.N. 282/57

Rule 7. Termination of business.

(1) Where a registered business has been terminated, the person responsible for the business, or in the case of termination upon the death of an associate and there is no surviving associate of the business or person responsible for the business, the personal representative or the next-of-kin of the deceased, shall file a notice of termination in Form C.

(2) The certificate of registration of that business shall be surrendered to the Registrar for cancellation.

(3) In the case of a partnership, where a partner of a business cannot be found or located, the remaining partner shall file Form C together with a statutory declaration stating that he had made all efforts to locate his partner, but failed in his efforts.

(4) For the purpose of paragraph (3) of this rule, the remaining partner shall be responsible for any claim against the Registrar for the termination of that business.

[Subs. P.U.(A) 141/2002]

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